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Matrix, Stormboard Favorites Matthew Brownoff Matrix, Stormboard Favorites Matthew Brownoff

Impact Vs. Effort

Evaluate your priorities, add everything that is on your current and future to-do list, and plot each item on the matrix depending on whether it requires high effort, low effort, creates a high impact, or is low impact with the Impact vs. Effort Matrix Template.

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Problem Solving, General, Matrix Matthew Brownoff Problem Solving, General, Matrix Matthew Brownoff

Enjoyment Vs. Purpose Matrix

Revaluate your priorities, both personal and professional, with the Enjoyment vs. Purpose Matrix Template.The template contains a section where you can add everything that is on your current and future to-do list, and then you can plot each item on the matrix depending on whether it is your priority, someone else’s priority, something that you find energizing, or something that you find depleting.

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