Brainstorm bigger, solve problems quicker, create plans faster

Simply tell StormAI what you want to accomplish and watch your digital workspace transform.

Meet the industry’s first AI collaborator

  • Stormboard StormAI

    Unblock minds and boost output

    Spark ideas and keep the creativity flowing. Power collaboration and productivity with context-aware suggestions.

  • Stormboard StormAI

    Make smarter calls, faster

    Support sound decision-making with relevant insights, ideas, and recommendations.

  • Ignite an idea firestorm

    Ignite an idea firestorm

    Reduce the time and effort required for brainstorming and provide a diverse range of ideas quickly.

Context is key!

Many language-learning models see the word ‘apple’ on your whiteboard and suggest ideas about orange, grape, or mango.

But Contextual AI understands the whole picture. It sees ‘apple’ on your whiteboard, but also notices the term iPad, Galaxy, and Sony. It looks at the whole picture and understands your context so it can make more logical suggestions, every time you contribute.

Now Available

Automated template creation

StormAI automatically generates custom templates based on your desired outcome and goal of your workspace. This can save users time and effort in creating templates from scratch, while also ensuring that every section, heading, and idea generated is relevant and aligned to your business goals.

Tell StormAI what you want to accomplish

Simply add a few details for a custom whiteboard template with relevant ideas already populated.

Automated ideas

Skip those first few silent moments in a session and jumpstart creativity. Instantly get relevant ideas for each section you can modify, remove, or expand on.

Automated section title generation

StormAI generates section titles that guide your team’s based on the details you’ve given that are most likely to help you hit your goal.

Now Available

Augmented idea generation

Kick-start collaboration and stimulate out-of-the-box ideation.

StormAI uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze the desired outcome of a workspace, and the existing content and workspace metadata (including headings, ideas, notes, and other information) to generate new and creative ideas.

The AI Collaborator your team’s been searching for

Now Available

Expand on an idea 

Take a deeper dive into a single thought and uncover new perspectives you might have missed.  

Now Available

Generate ideas in a group

Group ideas together and generate new ones when your team hits a creative wall or needs an expert on a specific topic. 

Organize ideas in a snap 

Now Available

Summarize sticky notes

Get a summary of any selected content for a high-level overview of all the ideas added.

Now Available

Group ideas by theme

Automatically group related stickies together for clarity, then spot hidden trends and themes.

Now Available

Group ideas by sentiment

Organize your stickies by negative, positive, or neutral to easily visualize the overall sentiment. 

What does StormAI analyze to generate relevant ideas?

  • Stormboard StormAI

    Your Storm goal

    Tell StormAI what you want to accomplish in natural language and watch as a purpose-built template is generated in front of your eyes.

  • Stormboard StormAI

    Your existing content

    Thanks to Stormboard’s one-of-a-kind architecture, every note, idea, and piece of information in your workspace provides added context for relevant output — every time.

  • Stormboard StormAI

    Your section titles and subtitles

    Section headings aren’t just for better organization — giving your sections unique titles and subtitles helps StormAI populate your workspace with relevant ideas.

Stormboard is committed to AI safety and security

Unlike many AI tools, StormAI isn’t used to train AI models. See our full privacy statement here.

Free eBook: What is an AI Collaborator?  

Find out how AI powers brainstorming, planning, teamwork and more! 

Stay tuned, there’s much more to come!

This is only the beginning. We’ll keep enriching StormAI with more features as we go.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • StormAI is an Augmented Intelligence (AI) co-collaborator that enhances Stormboard’s core collaboration capabilities while also moving brainstorming, idea generation, and Template creation to an entirely new level.

    Based on Stormboard’s data-first architecture, StormAI is context-aware allowing it to provide intelligent suggestions, recommendations, and insights to users as they collaborate. Instead of relying on user-crafted AI prompts, StormAI leverages existing workspace data – meaning that users need zero experience or expertise with AI to take full advantage of the feature.

  • Initially, StormAI uses the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service. Additional AI Service Partners will be available based on use-cases, cost-effectiveness, and response times.

  • Storm data may be retained by our AI Service Partners for up to 30 days in a dedicated single instance and accessible only to authorized employees for (1) debugging purposes and (2) investigating patterns of misuse.

  • All data is retained on a cloud-based Microsoft Azure dedicated single instance.

  • Stormboard’s Data-First Platform prioritizes privacy and security by adhering to industry-standard security protocols and best practices to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of user data.

    StormAI never uses personal data to train the AI engine and all data is encrypted (both at-rest and in-transit). A toggle switch controls whether Personal Identified Information (PII) is removed prior to transit to our AI Service Partners.

  • Enterprise Team Administrators will need to switch on the StormAI service as it will be deactivated upon launch. Enterprises will not be charged for Storm AI during the remainder of their current term. Pricing may be applied upon renewal.

    Business customers will receive a free 30-day trial of StormAI after which they can choose to upgrade to an enterprise plan.

  • No, StormAI is available for Storm Administrators and Contributors only.

  • When you use StormAI to generate ideas, a pop-up will appear on the top right-hand corner of the dashboard after ideas are generated with the option of sending feedback. You can also contact us directly.

  • Yes! There is a StormAI button available on each section for Storm Administrators (the StormAI icon will only be visible if it has been enabled on your team). If you did not create a new template using StormAI, on first attempt in using the idea generation feature, we will require information to be entered via text prompt in order to provide better results.

  • When creating a new Storm, you have the option to select the StormAI Template Generator. You can also access the same when you are in an existing storm by clicking the templates button in the toolbar.

    After selecting “Create a template using AI” you have the option to select:

    • Brainstorm

    • Solve a problem

    • Make a Plan

    • Present

    • Name Something

    • Other

    Select an option and use the dialog box to provide StormAI with context/information for your template. There is an option to enable a check box which will automatically populate sticky notes/ideas in each template section. When the template is loaded, you will have the option to accept the template or adjust the descriptive text and try again.

  • While inside a Storm, select: Settings > Configure StormAI, the initial text you entered should be displayed. You can edit your text entry here.