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Customer Story: Real-time Project Management with ProChain Solutions Inc. and Stormboard

Several years ago, ProChain Solutions Inc. was trying to solve an all-too-familiar problem: the inefficiencies of working with teams spread across vast distances and different time zones. When the decision was made to find an interactive remote collaboration tool, from the dozens of tools evaluated, the decision became clear: Stormboard was exactly what the team was looking for.

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Templates & Guides Guest User Templates & Guides Guest User

The Project Canvas: Define Your Project With This Dynamic Template

Project management is a challenge — there are countless moving parts, and it is easy to get off track if you don’t have the goals and parameters of your project clearly defined.

Developed by Jim Kalbach, a UX strategist, in 2012, the Project Canvas was created to give everyone working on a project a view of not only the goals and individual elements of the project, but the relationships between them at-a-glance, so that the entire team can stay aligned in their work.

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Business Articles Guest User Business Articles Guest User

Everything You Should Know About Asynchronous Collaboration

Is there anything worse than sitting through an endless meeting that could have been an email? For most employees, one of the most dreaded parts of their job is getting stuck in endless unproductive meetings.

That’s not to say that traditional in-person meetings can’t be valuable and are needed from time to time, because they are. However, research shows that employees spend a whopping 31 hours in unproductive meetings each month.

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Thought Leadership Guest User Thought Leadership Guest User

How Collaborative Leadership is Changing Business

The last year forced companies to take a hard look at their internal processes, and shift everything from management styles to business practices to marketing strategies.

One trend that seems to have emerged from this shift is an increase in collaborative leadership. By definition, collaborative leadership is a managerial strategy that brings a group of leaders together to share information, work simultaneously, and take responsibility for the team as a whole.

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Guest Posts Guest User Guest Posts Guest User

Blueprints for Academic Research Projects

Today's post is written by Dr. Ben Ellway, the founder of Ben completed his Ph.D. at The University of Cambridge and created the Research Design Canvas, a multipurpose tool for learning about academic research and designing a research project.

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Business Articles Guest User Business Articles Guest User

Archive - 2021 Business Trends

The year 2020 has moved companies to an online workforce at an unprecedented rate. Instead of in-person meetings, water cooler talk, and office discussions, businesses have shifted to video chats, instant messaging, and emails to communicate. We've hit a new era of conducting business.

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