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Thought Leadership Guest Author Thought Leadership Guest Author

Digital Innovation In Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

Digital innovation is revolutionizing healthcare and pharmaceuticals, to drive better patient experiences and improved outcomes. With thoughtful planning, the proper tools, and a commitment to embracing change, we can look forward to continued advancements that will benefit both patients and providers alike.

Learn how Stormboard can drive innovation, challenge conventional approaches, and spark revolutionary ideas.  

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Thought Leadership Guest Author Thought Leadership Guest Author

How Will “The Future of Work” Shape the Post-Pandemic Workplace?

The pandemic has changed the way we work as we know it, with phrases like "The Future of Work" and "The New Normal" entering common usage to help us define the rapid evolution of the workplace.

With the adjustment period mostly over, it's time to look at how the lessons learned over the past two years will continue to shape business across the globe.

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Thought Leadership Guest User Thought Leadership Guest User

The Mental Health Revolution

We are in the midst of a revolution — and like those that came before it, this one will have a long-lasting effect on business, the economy, and society as a whole. The mental health revolution may not be as obvious or dramatic or innovative as the industrial or technological revolutions, but it just might be as important.

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Thought Leadership Guest User Thought Leadership Guest User

The Perfect Digital Workspace for Creative Teams

What you get out of a digital workspace is really up to the individual, team, and the organization as a whole. With that being said, regardless of your team’s individual needs or applications, there are a few key factors that should be present in any great digital workspace. This article will walk you through what we think are the 3 biggest factors in selecting a digital workspace for your team.

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Thought Leadership Guest User Thought Leadership Guest User

How Technology Can Help Your Work-Life Balance

When it comes to achieving an optimal work-life balance, technology can both help and hinder your efforts. Figuring out how we can utilize technology to ensure the impact on our work-life balance is a positive one is an ongoing battle for most people in the modern workforce. Taking charge and evaluating the role technology plays in your life is an important step toward finding the right balance.

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Thought Leadership Guest User Thought Leadership Guest User

How Collaborative Leadership is Changing Business

The last year forced companies to take a hard look at their internal processes, and shift everything from management styles to business practices to marketing strategies.

One trend that seems to have emerged from this shift is an increase in collaborative leadership. By definition, collaborative leadership is a managerial strategy that brings a group of leaders together to share information, work simultaneously, and take responsibility for the team as a whole.

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